Absolute Grounds for Refusal

Absolute grounds for refusal in trademark law refer to the legal grounds upon which a trademark application may be refused registration, irrespective of any conflict with an existing trademark or earlier rights. These grounds are based on the principle that a trademark should not be registered if it lacks the necessary distinctiveness, is descriptive or generic, or is contrary to public policy or morality.

From our blog


7 unusual celebrity trademark registrations

Many celebrities have taken the entrepreneurial path and have commenced branding programs using their intellectual property to sell a variety of goods and services. In order to do that, they first must register official trademarks — for their names, their children’s names, their catchphrases, and their song lyrics. Some of them are successful, and some are not. From Donald Trump’s catchphrase “You’re Fired” to Beyoncé registering the names of her children, here are seven most interesting things celebrities have tried to trademark.


Stories of our clients: Cyber Expedite

“Our goal at Cyber Expedite™ is to modernise the cyber security service procurement industry, to help organisations answer one simple question: I know I need a security service; I just don’t know what to ask for and who provides that service. We put so much effort into trading names and reviewing web domain registrations etc, why would you not want to protect that?” Cyber Expedite, founded by Niall McEvoy, seeks to add value to every organisation by simplifying the scoping and delivery of cyber security solutions and services.