Telxius Telecom, S.A. v. Sia 'Telxa'

Telxius Telecom, S.A.

Case details

Defendant: Sia 'Telxa'

Case no.: R1398/2022-4

Jurisdiction: European Union

Industry: Technology

Decision date: 02 Jun, 2023


The contested services, which are the subject of the appeal, are identical or similar to varying degrees to the opponent’s goods and services. The signs are visually similar to an average degree, aurally similar to at least an average degree and conceptually, either a comparison is not possible or there is no material conceptual difference between the signs. The earlier mark is distinctive to a normal degree. There is a a likelihood of confusion given the reduced impact of the differentiating elements in the signs, even for a public with a higher level of attention.

Comparison of Trademarks
