How do I take down infringing content on Instagram?

Photo of Igor Demcak

Written by Igor Demcak

Founder & Trademark Attorney

To take down infringing content on Instagram, you need to report it directly to the platform through their dedicated forms for copyright or trademark infringement.

Instagram provides specific forms for each type of violation, which can be accessed on their Help Center. When filing a report, you must include detailed information about the infringement, such as the direct URL to the offending content or account, and explain how it violates your rights. It is also important to provide proof of ownership for the content or intellectual property, such as proof of registered trademark.

Once submitted, Instagram will review the report and take appropriate action, which could include removing the content or suspending the infringing account. If Instagram does not resolve the issue satisfactorily, third-party services like Trama can assist with the takedown process. Trama specializes in trademark protection and enforcement and can provide additional support to address unresolved cases effectively.

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