My brand is copied on Amazon, what should I do?

Photo of Igor Demcak

Written by Igor Demcak

Founder & Trademark Attorney

If you find out that your brand is being copied on Amazon, the first thing to do is confirm what’s happening.

Take a close look at the listings you suspect are infringing on your brand. Are they using your logo, product name, images, or descriptions without your permission? It’s important to be sure it’s a real violation, like selling counterfeit items or misusing your trademark, and not just a competitor selling something similar but not infringing on your rights. Amazon has pretty strict rules about intellectual property violations, so once you’re certain, you’re ready to take action.

Start by gathering evidence. Save screenshots of the listings in question and make sure you have proof that you own the intellectual property, like trademarks or copyrights. If you’ve already signed up for Amazon Brand Registry, you’re in a great position because that gives you access to tools that make reporting these issues much easier. But even if you’re not registered, you can still report the problem directly through Amazon’s "Report Infringement" form.

When you file your complaint, you need to show exactly how the seller is violating your rights, whether it’s by copying your product images, using your brand name, or selling counterfeit versions of your product.

This process can be very time-consuming, and the results aren't always immediate. At Trama, we help expedite this process by actively monitoring for any instances of brand misuse and taking swift action. We can report the infringement directly, ensuring faster resolutions and protecting your brand’s integrity.

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