How do I enforce my brand on Aliexpress?

Photo of Igor Demcak

Written by Igor Demcak

Founder & Trademark Attorney

If you want to effectively enforce your brand on Aliexpress, you need to make sure your brand is trademarked. This is your legal foundation, as it gives you the legal right to stop others from misusing your brand.

Next, sign up for the AliExpress Intellectual Property Protection (IPP) Platform. This tool lets you monitor and report listings that violate your rights, like counterfeit products or unauthorized sellers.

Regular monitoring is also a crucial part of brand enforcement. Keep an eye on companies that use similar names or images in their products. There are dedicated tools, like Trama, that can help you scan for problematic listings, or you can do it manually. If you find a violation, file a complaint through the IPP platform with clear evidence, like product comparisons and proof of your trademark.

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