Stories of our clients: Herisson

In the context of the fashion industry, the struggle against knock-offs and imitations is a constant challenge. In this interview, James, the Co-Founder of Herisson, shares insights into the pervasive issues faced by businesses operating in the North American market and discusses the significance of the proactive steps to protect unique brand assets.


Jan Buza

Can you provide an overview of your business?

“We operate an anime hobby and collectible store based in Canada. Currently, our product range includes doll clothing, trading cards, and collectible items. Recently, we've expanded into new product categories, with plans to venture into the production of human clothing now that we have streamlined our manufacturing process.”

What's the significance behind the name Herisson?

“The name Herisson is derived from the French word "hedgehog." This was a nickname I gave to our co-founder and lead designer, who is a significant figure in our company. In the fashion industry, it's common to associate a brand name with a key individual, and we chose Herisson.”

When did you decide to protect your brand?

“Intellectual property protection has always been a priority for us, especially given our presence in the North American market, where counterfeit issues are prevalent in the fashion industry. We wanted to distinguish our brand, and obtaining a trademark seemed like the most straightforward method. After operating for over three years and establishing a loyal customer base attracted to the Herisson brand's style, product quality, and overall experience, we realized the necessity of trademarking our brand.”

“We submitted two trademark applications – one for the name and another for the logo. While the logo is integral to our branding, we kept them separate to allow flexibility in case of any future logo changes.”

“The decision to trademark our brand name also aligns with our plans for international expansion. Operating in Canada, we recognized that different rules apply internationally. Without a trademark, expanding into the US market could pose challenges with similarly named businesses in other industries. To avoid such issues, we decided to protect our brand from the start.”

Were there any challenges in your brand protection journey?

“Yes, during the process we faced opposition from the trademark office. The examiner raised concerns about the alleged descriptiveness of our mark, arguing that it resembled a common surname. Through Trama, we successfully addressed this objection by presenting evidence that our name is uniquely associated with the products we sell, establishing it as a distinct trademark.”

Why did you choose Trama for your brand protection needs?

“In our search for trademark registration services, Trama stood out for two main reasons. Firstly, their simplistic yet appealing visual style, which spoke to us as a brand that also relies on visuals. Secondly, their pricing model, as we were looking for affordable options that translate directly into quality, rather than simply opting for the cheapest alternative. Additionally, we were impressed with the straightforwardness of the process and the clear communication from the Trama team, who kept us informed at every step of our application.”

Jan Buza
Jan Buza

Product Mind

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Protect your brand and think about its future with trama™
